English wine course

SDEN-1 (2 evenings, Amsterdam)

Echte wijnlocaties

De cursusavonden volg je altijd in authentieke, inspirerende en sfeervolle  wijn-omgevingen


Wij hebben geen commerciële belangen bij de wijnselectie, jouw leerproces heeft de hoogste prioriteit

Gezellig & leerzaam

Je leert spelenderwijs kwaliteit en wijnen te herkennen in een sfeervolle en gezellige sfeer

Attending this course will enable you to better select wines in restaurants and shops, and will further improve your own understanding of your personal wine preferences.

De-mystify the restaurant wine menu and make wine selections that impress at every dinner party, with the help of our English-language wine course.

  •  Learn to taste wine consciously in 2 evenings
  •  Suitable for groups, partners or alone
  •  Learn to recognize quality and make better wine choices
  •  Students give us 5 stars on Facebook and Google


English wine course | January 17 and 24 Friday | 19:00 - 21:30
English wine course | May 9 and 16 Friday | 19:00 - 21:30

Practical information

Location: the Tasting Room in Restaurant De Veranda (Amsterdam)
Price: € 135

Time: 19:00 – 21:30 uur
Level: For the novice wine lover

This wine course is a great introduction to wine and wine appreciation.

In two evening sessions you will learn about the characteristics of the most important grape varietals, wine regions, and wine styles. More than just fun facts, we’ll help you develop a deeper appreciation of the fermented grapes in your glass by teaching you professional tasting techniques as well as what, exactly, makes each glass of wine different. Most importantly, you’ll learn to identify which wines you personally like best and why.

We designed the wine course to teach wine in a practical manner

Meaning: we will clarify wine labels, and we will taste and discuss at least 9 wines per evening. This practical approach is fun and will help you to get a quick insight in all aspects of wine and wine tasting. Which will help you to better understand wine-food pairing and enables you to better select wines. The material offered in this wine course is equivalent to the officially recognized SDEN1 level.

The English wine course is a nice gift for a birthday or for the holidays. With this voucher you can easily give someone a nice wine gift.

Tasting Room de Veranda

Restaurant de Veranda
Amstelveenseweg 764

Location: Wine cellar (Tasting Room) of restaurant De Veranda

The two-day wine course for beginners is given in Amsterdam in the Wine Cellar (Tasting Room) of restaurant De Veranda. This is an authentic wine cellar in an intimate and romantic atmosphere. There is enough space here to talk about wine with a nice group of people.

The two-evening wine course is given in Amsterdam in the Wine Cellar (Tasting Room) of restaurant De Veranda. This is an authentic wine cellar in an intimate and cozy atmosphere.

Restaurant de Veranda is located on the edge of the Amsterdamse Bos. The location is easily accessible by public transport. There is also ample parking, both in their own parking lot and in the parking lot next to the entrance to the Amsterdamse Bos. Free parking applies after 7 pm.

Can’t wait to learn more about wine and discover your own taste?

Then register for the 2 evening wine course for beginners. After completing this course you can develop yourself further. Perhaps you aspire to become a sommelier or vinologist. We are happy to teach you the tricks of the trade.

De Passion4wines cursussen


1 avond

Ontdek tijdens de wijnworkshop wat je lekker vindt en hoe je een goede wijn kiest. De focus ligt op het bewust leren proeven van wijn.


2 avonden – SDEN 1

Deze wijncursus is de ideale start om de wereld van wijn te leren kennen en vindt plaats in Restaurant de Veranda, Amsterdam


5 avonden – SDEN 2

Leer tijdens deze wijncursus hoe je smaakverschillen tussen wijngebieden en druivenrassen herkent en maak betere wijnkeuzes.


9 avonden – SDEN 3

Deze wijncursus is de ideale start om de wereld van wijn te leren kennen en vindt plaats in Restaurant de Veranda, Amsterdam

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